Thursday, September 30, 2010

Preggie Pops Review/GIVEAWAY

Almost every pregnant woman experiences nausea and morning sickness during their pregnancy. For me this has been true both of my pregnancies and I hated ever moment of it. This pregnancy my nausea has been a bit worst then my last, to the point where I did not even want to get out of bed.

So THREE LOLLIES to the rescue. Yes....the folks over at Three Lollies are responsible for PREGGIE POPS and PREGGIE DROPS, my lifesavers. Besides being so yummy they really are quite effective. They really helped me get that yucky nausea feeling to subside.

My favorite flavor was Green is so mouth watering. Oh and Ryan's favorite was Sour Lemon...yes he is not pregnant but he wanted to try what mommy was having. LOL!

Preggie Pops and Drops are naturally flavored with essential oils, Preggie Pops and are meant to reduce nausea in pregnant women. Three Lollies also produces Queasy Pops/Drops for use with motion sickness and chemotherapy that work in the same way!

For your Nausea need pregnant or not stop by THREE LOLLIES and order yours today!

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**Contest ends on October 5th at 11:59pm CST. Winners will be chosen by**

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