Stacy is 10 months and he is always watching her like a'd think he is the mommy. When she ocasionally gets in trouble and I say, "That's it miss you are in BIG trouble!". Somehow Super BRO Ryan comes in running and saying, "no, no, no, Stacy not in trouble....mommy be nice....she is a baby!" LOL! He never seizes to amaze me.
It may be a rare occasion that I leave Stacy with hubby for a quick run to the store but, when I do and Ryan goes with me, he never fails to remind me that Stacy is NOT with us and WHY pm earth would I leaver her. I mean after all we are the 3 musketeers right?
Sometimes in the mornings she might me crying he runs over and says "hurry mommy, hurry Stacy is AWAKE and she need a bottle!" and he will waltz into the room and say, " Good morning STACY, it is a sunny day!" LOL! When at times I doubted WHY did I want another baby.....would Ryan think he was not enough that I had to have another.....NOW I know WHY?
I had another baby so Ryan will never be alone. He needed someone to care for just as much as I care for him....I think many times the way he cares for her is a reflection of how I care for both of them and that really makes my heart smile!
So CHEERS for Big Brother Ryan! :)

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