Monday, September 21, 2009

I ♥ Faces-Week 37- "Candid" Photo Challenge

In my home I am usually behind the camera even though I am far from PROFESSIONAL...I may even be far from AMATEUR but I am learning!

This photo was taken last week when baby would not take a nap so I thought,"Lets have a photoshoot!" I gathered everything and got it done! Whew it was tiring and I even tired baby out because he was fast asleep after that!

I was trying to get the perfect "smile" but Ryan(5mo) was being silly and I am so glad I caught this shot it was just for a split second and I think it came out just perfect!

When the shoot was done I had taken 156 photos!

I Faces “Candid” Photo Challenge is a great blog to start you off on your photography journey it might inspire you as it has me!


  1. What a cute little picture :) Perfect expression on his face for the pic!

  2. Soooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!
    Great picture!

  3. Aww, what a cutie!
    I'm having my first giveaway, come and have a look :)

  4. Perfect timing - that was adorable!

  5. haha what a perfect shot! :-) great capture!

  6. oh man, he is sooooooooo cute! 156 pictures x 4 kids (or however many you decide to have!) x 30 times a year x 18 years - okay you do the math :) Get ready for heaps of photos!!!!

    It is so fun, enjoy the journey!
