Friday, July 24, 2009


Why have I been missing in action? Well, as most of you know I reside in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico but, I am not from here, my husband is. I am from the Lone Star State of TEXAS. I have lived here in Puerto Rico for a little over a year and a half. I get home sick very often and my family tries to visit me as much as they can. My sister was here about a month ago and now my parents are here. On top of all that I just had my baby boy Ryan in April and they had not met him so, we are trying to spent every moment together. They are going home very soon and I will be back to my lonesome self. It is very hard to be away from them but it is a part of life. I just have enjoy every moment I get to spend with them when the visit or when I visit them. I will be on again soon blogging away. :) Do any of you have any tips for remaining close to family even if you are far away?


  1. That has got to be hard, especially in terms of the distance. My husband works a lot so I can relate to what you're saying...I don't have to deal with the disance thing, though. Blogging probably helps, right?! :) Following you from the MBC's follower club. You can find me at

  2. Following from MBC's followers! We try to alternate trips with our family that lives in Mexico and with my parents who are a 7 hour drive we do it whenever we can. Lots of time on the phone too! And we have a family website! We use
